ETH - BSC Bridge

How to bridge from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Connect your MetaMask wallet

After visiting the page, click on the Connect Wallet button on the screen’s top right side. It will open a popup window to select between MetaMask and Binance Chain Wallet. Select MetaMask and click to Connect Wallet button, as shown below.

Step 3: Send ETH to MetaMask BSC Wallet

It’s possible to send any supported asset from any supported network to BSC using Binance Bridge. We’ll send some ETH from the Ethereum network to BSC. However, feel free to send any other asset you would like from the list.

Tip: Send a small amount for the first time to see if working properly

After connecting the MetaMask, Binance Bridge is ready to rock. Let’s get started with the necessary steps. In this example we will bridge ETH from Ethereum network to Binance Smart Chain

  1. Select ETH as the desired asset from the Asset dropdown.

  2. Choose Ethereum Network in the “From" section.

  3. Make sure that Binance Smart Chain Network is selected in the “To" section.

  4. Put the desired amount in the amount field. In this example, we want to send 10 ETH.

  5. Note: In BSC, all gas fees are paid with BNB token.

    Therefor it's a good idea to swap some BNB in the order so you will be able to transact.

Binance Bridge makes it easy for you. Under the Amount field, you’ll see a checkbox that says, I want to swap some BNB gas in this order.” When it’s checked, Binance Bridge will exchange a portion of the sent asset in form of BNB.

So, it’s up to you to decide. Otherwise, you’ll need to send some BNB later from another wallet or bridge some more assets.

Step 4: Make sure everything is correct and then hit the Confirm button to confirm the transaction.

Note that it can take up to two hours for the transaction to finish.

Usually it takes around 5 - 20 minutes

Last updated